Architect. Interior Designer.

Head of Pankova Design studio.

A translator of meanings into design in Deep Business Design.

Creator of the Deep Interiors Design growth space.

I design the interiors of apartments, private homes and spaces for small businesses.

Нахожу связи и создаю пространства, наполненные смыслом.

Opening doors to design.

I teach people to find harmony within themselves and implement it in their projects.

Blog about design, interiors and beauty

My projects


Deep Interiors

Interior Design. Sensual. Gently. Deep.
Designing all over the world. Residential and public spaces.
Design through the prism of archetypal stories.


Deep coaching

A growth space for interior designers who want to consistently increase their income, level, and quality of projects. Transformation through mindset.
Business and marketing in design. Design coaching.


deep business

A course for those who build a business based on a personal brand. I tell you how a corporate identity affects your audience and help you create it based on your values.


interiors for everybody

A club for those who love their home. Interior design for aspiring designers and non-designers. Increase the observation and knowledge of modern interiors.

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